
Veľmi užitočné rady - Časť 1.: Ako sa správať pri stretnutí s mimozemšťanom?

Na jednej z mála zaujímavých prednášok (kurz sa volal: Are We Alone?) minulý rok sme sa dozvedeli veľmi užitočnú radu - a to čo urobiť, ak stretnete mimozemšťana. Keďže sa mi text z powerpointovej prezentácie nechce prekladať, uvádzam ho v originálnom znení v angličtine:

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Diskusia  (2)

Pripomeniem, že na to nevyhnutne potrebujete hŕbu rôznych amerických mincí (s inými to určite nepôjde ;o).

“When you meet the Extraterrestrial, locate a flat surface (sidewalk or bare dirt) between the two of you, and lay out the coins as you have practiced. If it is daytime, point to the Dollar coin, then point to the Sun, and say "SUN!" If you have your pocket flashlight, hold it close to the Sun-Dollar, so that the coin is brightly illuminated. Then point to the second nickel, pat the ground, point at the ground all around you, and say "EARTH!" Pick up the Earth-nickel and, keping it close to the ground, move it around the Sun-dollar, then put it back down where it was. If the moon is visible, point to it, point to the dime next to the Earth-nickel, and say "MOON!" Pick up the Moon-dime and, keeping it close to the ground, move it around the Earth-nickel, then put it back down where it was.

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 Then be silent for a minute, back away from the coins, and watch for a response.

 If the ET knows the structure of our Solar System, as observed by it or its companions from remote observation, or by more immediate observation on the way in towards Earth, it will recognize the model of the Solar System that you have shown it.

 This will establish that you are an astronomically sophisticated being, who knows the way around your own local part of the Galaxy.

If it [the ET] moves the coins into any new configuration, be sure to record that in your written or photographic notes. You have gotten information that may be worth billions of times your original $3.27."

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• From: Making Contact: A Serious Handbook For Locating And Communicating With Extraterrestrials. Ed. Bill Fawcett/>, New York/>/>, 1997.

Dúfam, že uvedený návod si vezmete k srdcu a pri svojom blízkom stretnutí tretieho druhu nám pozemšťanom neurobíte hanbu. ;o)

Michal Lehuta

Michal Lehuta

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Gamča '02. Potom B.A. zo spoločenských vied, M.A. z medzinárodných vzťahov na Jacobs University Bremen. Dnes ekonomický analytik týždenníka TREND. Zoznam autorových rubrík:  GeografiaEkonómia / EkonomikaHudbaNa zamyslenieKomentárInšpiráciaVlastná tvorbaAbsolute jaPolitikaPostrehUmenieSúkromnéNezaradené

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